PROHED 400EC ĐẶC TRỊ: LEM LÉP HẠT - KHÔ VẰN TRÊN LÚA ĐỐM LÁ - RỈ SẮT - THÁN THƯ Share: Instruction manual Images INGREDIENTS:Difenoconazole 150g/l;Propiconazole 150g/l;Hexaconazole 100g/l. CHARACTERISTICS AND USES:PROHED 400EC is the perfect crystallization from the top 3 active ingredients in the Triazole group - the largest group of fungicides today. Immediately after spraying, PROHED immediately penetrates deep, strong conduction through xylem vessels penetrates very quickly into young leaves and stem tissues. PROHED then inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol of the cell membrane and mitochondria, leading to the immediate destruction of the fungus. Moreover, PROHED helps to increase chlorophyll on the leaf area, slow down the aging process and increase plant resistance. USER MANUALPROHED 400EC is registered to eliminate powdery mildew on riceDOSAGE: 0.3 - 0.4 liters/ha. Mix 25ml/jar of 25 liters of waterVOLUME OF SPRAYING WATER: 400 - 500 liters/haSPRAY TIME: Spray when the disease appears early Quaratine period: 07 days after spraying Categories Newfarm's Products Plant protection products Fungicides Herbicide Pesticides Seed care Growth regulator Snail insecticide Fertilizer Liquid fertilizer Effervescent fertilizer Products for plants Fruits Rice - seed Short-term industrial plants Vegetable Food crops