SIÊU CỨNG CÂY Cứng cây - Đứng lá hạn chế sâu bệnh Hãm đọt - Dưỡng trái - Chống rụng trái Kích thích ra hoa trái vụ Share: Instruction manual Images INGREDIENTS:P2O5hh: 3%; Zn: 250 ppm; Mn: 600 ppm; Mo: 400 ppm; GA3: 500 ppm; pHH2O (liquid): 7; Density (liquid): 1.2MATERIAL & ADDITIVES:Chelated Calcium, Calcinum carbonate, Calcium nitrate, Chelated (EDTA): Zn, Mg, Mn,...USES:- Helps to limit height growth, harden trees against falling, blanket buds, down tubers.- Improve resistance to fruit nutrition, prevent fruit drop, increase yield.- Stimulates flowering at the same time, can be sprayed on leaves or poured root (Avocado, longan, durian...).USER MANUAL: CÂY TRỒNG THỜI ĐIỂM SỬ DỤNG Avocado Longan Durian Sweet potato After the tree bears fruit When the tree has budding phenomenon Mix 50 ml/ 25 liters of water Use 50 liters of water / 1,000m2 Spawning stage Rice, Sticky Categories Newfarm's Products Plant protection products Fungicides Herbicide Pesticides Seed care Growth regulator Snail insecticide Fertilizer Liquid fertilizer Effervescent fertilizer Products for plants Fruits Rice - seed Short-term industrial plants Vegetable Food crops