TVZEB 800WP MAN XANH ẤN ĐỘ ĐẶC TRỊ:PHẤN TRẮNG - ĐỐM LÁ - THÁN THƯVÀNG LÁ CHÍN SỚM TRÊN LÚA Share: Instruction manual Images INGREDIENTS:Mancozeb: 800g/kgSufficient special additives.USES:- TVZEB 800WP has ingredients Mancozeb 800g/kg and special additives 200g/kg.- TVZEB 800WP is a contact insecticide with a broad spectrum of action on many crops.- With a unique formula, TVZEB 800WP also provides trace elements of zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn) to help increase the ability to absorb nutrients, photosynthesis, and metabolism for plants. Besides, TVZEB 800WP also acts as an armor to protect disease-free plants, helping to increase productivity and quality of agricultural products.USER MANUAL:TVZEB 800WP is registered except for powdery mildew on roses.Dosage: 2kg/ha. Mix 80-100g for 25 liters of water.Amount of water sprayed: 400 - 600 liters/ha.Time of spraying: Spray when the disease rate is about 5%.Quarantine period: 10 days. Categories Newfarm's Products Plant protection products Fungicides Herbicide Pesticides Seed care Growth regulator Snail insecticide Fertilizer Liquid fertilizer Effervescent fertilizer Products for plants Fruits Rice - seed Short-term industrial plants Vegetable Food crops